Magnetic Fusion   by  Shedrick JAY Wilkins

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SOUTH  KOREA, April 1st, 2024, just annoused the "KSTAR", south korean  TOKAMAK, reached 30 seconds, magnetic Fusion, above "Breakeven temperatures"

this is important to me, December 2022, LASER Fusion at Livermore LABS, San Francisco California, "Breakeven", KSTAR similar to ITER, MIT,, S.P.A.R.C.   

Tokamak Fusion energy is being developed is being built in FRANCE, but MIT, in the  USA wants to build it, smaller and  faster and quicker to build by 2025.

President Biden DOE ( department of Energy ), as of March 2021......   at website

under the SPARC project,  at MIT                         I wish to find interested  people in this   ,Stanford Univerity , has student KUSHAL THAMAN  ,  April 3rd 2024

good Google websie about  TOKAMAK fusion,it should be noted Stanford near Livermore LASER lab, in my OPINION, from 1998 tp 2002, has MISGUIDED

scientist, away from Russia Tokmak  design of 1952.......also"COLD FUSION of 1989, Utah Ponns Fleitchman, MISGUIDED attempt from magnetic FUSION

this is the energy of STARS, our sun, in a  machine, the size of a building.   It should be exciting year with MIT SPARC , Fall 2025, and ITER cadarche FRANCE



The four most important elements are HYDROGEN, ...  Silicon, oxygen ,  Nitrogen......and CARBON, the middle and 5th , important  life is Hydrocarbons.

The ancient greeks like 4 , states of matter , EARTH, AIR, FIRE,  WATER

Modern Physists, say 4 forces, STRONG,WEAK, GRAVITY, ELECTRMAGNETIC........   5th  is "zero point energy"  energy

The secret of Fusion, Tokamak invented by 1952 portable HYDROGEN bomb, made by RUSSIAN s, Ussr, scientist, Igor tamm and Andri Sackoff, but USA

scientist used  METAL superconductors, cooled by the uncommon , LIQUID HELIUM, but in 1987 , two IBM won a Nobel prize, for

"HIGH TEMPERATURES, superconductors , COOLED by   liquid NITROGEN, our atmosphere........   MOST international scientist prefer Tokamak,

NOT  LASER FUSION,   for Deutrium Trittum, Deutrium ( 1 proton, 1 neutrons) is FUSED with TRITIUM( 1 proton,2 neutron ) makes  HELIUM(2  protons, 2 neutron)

but ONE  NEUTRON,   flys out of  Tokamak to be used for   heat water, and make STEAM, for a STEAM ENGINE.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((  There is enough DEUTRIUM in the world's OCEANS, to meet our ENERGY needs, Trillion Watts, for  1 million years,,,,

Ok, where do you get Tritium,   you that " flying out NEUTRON, and make it hit,   LITHIUM, at present, LITHIUM ion Battery, for CARS.laptops.

If you like my WEBSITE, please EMAIL or MAIL, me a better, ................... OH, under PREZ OBAMA, in 2015, MIT, made Nitrogen cooled, Copper Oxide , COILS,

                                                                                                                                                              the COILS are coated with ZIRCONIUM, used in nuclear FISSION, steam piping.

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((  In 2021 BILLIONAIRE  BILL GATES, founder of  Microsoft, with Paul Allen, put $100 million, in SPARC MIT project, completed in Fall 2025.wikipedia


I learned alot, about MIT, magnetic Fusion, from SCIENCE YOUTUBER,,  Joe Scott, of Texas, he has  great youtube , video on SCIENCE and HISTORY.

  He has a website, "ANSWERS  WITH JOE ",  and he takes  EMAILS.


     I'm trying to get  INTEL Corporation, interested  in promoting Fusion , which makes  computer chips, in Hillsboro Oregon, which is near, Portland Oregon,

where I live, and other corporation like IBM, General Electric,  Northwest Natural Gas...............  In year, 2020, I made  2  YOUTUBE, 

  """  SHEDRICK GEW """"

, please watch, 3 minutes, son, in picture, at first , end,,, But, Hiroshima Daddy" SCIENCE USA 1942 to 1954,

the magnetic Tokamak, again , INVENTED by Russia, 1952, the LASER, was invented by USA, in 1958, this BOOK, if MIT 2025, must prove !! , I'm correct ??

I have talk at  Portland CITY HALL, at Portland Oregon, twice, and it is on YOUTUBE,  search Youtube,   for  2 hour Video's,  October 18th AM session 2023,10/18/24

Portland city hall,,   and  Feb 21 th AM session Portland city Hall  2024  I like 2nd  YOUTUBE video, talk to Community colleges, Public High schoool teachers.


                                                                                                 my address   Shedrick  J.  Wilkins

                                                                                                                             945 NW  Naito Pkwy,  apt 134

                                                                                                                             Portland Oregon 97209


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